Top Questions for the Wedding Shoe Game

We've collected the question recommendations from the best 9 blog/forum sources across the web including and We've categorized the questions based on their topic or intent.

The question topics recommended most often are below.

first move
  • Who said I love you first?
  • Who says I love you more often now?
  • Who made the first move?
  • Who went for the kiss first?
  • Who fell in love first?
  • When you first met who made the first move?
  • Who really made the first move?
  • Who wanted to make it official first?
  • Who do you love more than anyone in the world?
  • Who is the first to declare their love?
  • Who proposed?
  • who made the first move?
  • who said I LOVE YOU first?
  • Who approached the other one first?
  • Who was the first to bring up marriage?
  • Who proposed to the other?
  • Who was the first to declare their love?
  • Who mentioned marriage first?
  • Who is quieter when making love?
  • Who is louder when making love?
  • Who says I love you more often?
  • Who has more speeding tickets?
  • Who is the better driver?
  • Who has the cleanest car?
  • Whos the best driver?
  • Who drives faster?
  • Who has the worst road rage?
  • Whos more likely to talk their way out of a speeding ticket?
  • Who has been in more car accidents?
  • Who has the better driving record?
  • Who is more likely to pass a red light?
  • Whose car is the cleanest?
  • Who's the better driver?
  • Who is a better driver?
  • who is the faster driver?
  • Who is more likely to talk their way out of a speeding ticket?
  • Who is most likely to drive the car?
  • Who is the better safer driver?
  • Who is more likely to get a parking ticket?
  • How is more likely to punch it through a yellow light?
  • Who has worse road rage?
  • Who sings better in the car?
  • Who is more likely to run a red light?
  • Who thinks they are the better driver?
  • Who cleans the house more?
  • Who does the laundry more?
  • Who does most of the cooking?
  • Who handles the groceries?
  • Who does the dishes more often?
  • Who does more chores around the house?
  • Who cooks most often?
  • Who does the household chores?
  • Who will be doing the cooking?
  • Who does the most household chores?
  • Who is more likely to destroy clothing doing the laundry?
  • Who always replaces the toilet paper roll?
  • Who is more likely to make the bedroom floor their personal laundry basket?
  • who is more likely to destroy clothing doing the laundry?
  • Who replaces the toilet paper roll?
  • Who is better at folding laundry?
  • Who's more likely to burn the house down when they're cooking dinner?
  • Who is more of a clean freak?
  • who will be doing most of the yard work?
  • who cleans more?
  • Who handles the grocery shopping?
  • Who prepares the coffee?
  • Who cleans up around the house more often?
  • Who will do more household chores?
  • Who will be doing the dishes?
  • Who will be doing most of the cooking?
  • Who does the dishes more?
  • Who is more likely to burn the house down when theyre cooking dinner?
  • Who's more likely to replace the roll of toilet paper?
  • Who makes the bed?
  • Who is the sappy one?
  • Who was the first to set up a date?
  • Who paid on the first date?
  • Who is more romantic?
  • Who chose the honeymoon location?
  • Who organized the first date?
  • Who plans the best date nights?
  • Who plans the best dates?
  • Who is looking forward to the honeymoon the most?
  • Who is the romantic?
  • Whos more romantic?
  • Who planned the first date?
  • Who is more likely to bring the other breakfast in bed?
  • Who is more excited for the honeymoon?
  • Who asked the other one out on a date first?
  • Who paid for the first date?
  • Who is sappier?
  • Who plans more elaborate date nights?
  • Who decides where to go on dates?
  • Who remembers important dates like birthdays and anniversaries more?
  • Who has to have the final word during a fight?
  • Who is the first to apologize?
  • Who starts the arguments?
  • Who is more likely to start an argument?
  • Ignoring the wins who is actually right?
  • Who always thinks they are right?
  • Who is the first to say I am sorry?
  • Who's more likely to start an argument?
  • Who is the first to apologize after an argument?
  • Who is more likely to finish an argument?
  • Who wins the most arguments?
  • When you get in an argument who has the last word?
  • Who is the first to say sorry after an argument?
  • Who is most likely to start a fight?
  • who's the 1st one to make up after a fight?
  • Who apologizes first after a fight?
  • Who says Im sorry first?
  • Who started the first argument?
  • Whos more likely to start an argument?
  • Whos more likely to finish an argument?
  • who's the one that started the fight in the first place?
  • Who likes to spend money more?
  • Who saves more money?
  • Who pays the bills?
  • Who is going to pay the bills?
  • Who's more likely to spend all their money at a Target or insert couple's favorite store sale?
  • Who spends the most money?
  • Who is more likely to max out their credit card?
  • Who Is more likely to save all their money?
  • Who spends more money?
  • who is in control of the checkbook?
  • who spends more money?
  • Who is better at managing finances?
  • Who is more likely to splurge money on a nice dinner out?
  • Who is the better at handling finances?
  • Who is more frugal?
  • Whos more likely to max out their credit card?
  • Whos more likely to save all their money?
  • Who pays the bills and controls the finances?
  • Whos more likely to spend all their money at Target or insert couples favorite store?
  • Who's the pickier eater?
  • Who eats healthier?
  • Who's a pic year eater?
  • Who eats the most fast food?
  • Who is the healthiest eater?
  • Who is the pickiest eater?
  • Who eats the most junk food?
  • Who is always hungry?
  • Who is the pickier eater?
  • Who is the bigger foodie?
  • Who is always confused about what food to order?
  • Who is better at handling spicy food?
  • Who loves spicy food?
  • Whos a pickier eater?
  • Who eats the slowest?
  • Who takes longer to order off the menu?
  • Who eats more junk food?
  • Who is likely to eat the last piece of food?
  • Who is the most spontaneous?
  • Who enjoys the great outdoors?
  • Who's more likely to go skydiving?
  • Who's more adventurous?
  • Who would rather be outdoors?
  • Who is the most adventurous?
  • Who's more of a daredevil?
  • Who is more adventurous?
  • Who is the bigger thrill seeker?
  • Who is the more spontaneous one?
  • Whos more of a thrillseeker?
  • Whos more of a daredevil?
  • Who is more likely to hop up on stage for karaoke night?
  • Whos more adventurous?
  • Who is more spontaneous?
  • Who enjoys the great outdoors more?
  • Who would be the first to bungee jumpsky dive?
phone use
  • Who spends more time on Facebook?
  • Who spends more time staring at their phone?
  • Who's faster at responding to a text?
  • Who spends more time on Instagram?
  • Who is on their phone more?
  • Who uses the phone the most?
  • Who spends more time on social media?
  • Who never forgets to take their mobile to the washroom?
  • Who spends more time on the internet?
  • Who is more addicted to their phone?
  • Who talks on the phone more?
  • Who is more likely to break their phone?
  • Who takes more photos on their phone?
  • Who is more likely to drop their cell phone in the toilet?
  • Who never forgets to take their smartphone with them when they go to the bathroom?
  • Who has the crazier family?
  • Who has the better inlaws?
  • Who has the more goodlooking family?
  • Who has more siblings?
  • Who is more likely to want kids first?
  • Who wants the most kids?
  • Who will want kids first?
  • who has a wackier family?
  • Who has the crazier set of friends and family?
  • Who gets along better with the others family?
  • Who is closer to their family?
  • Who loves kids more?
  • Who is the most talkative?
  • Who talks the most?
  • Who is more talkative?
  • Who makes friends easier?
  • Who talks the loudest?
  • Who's more outgoing?
  • Who is more outgoing?
  • Who gossips the most?
  • who talks more?
  • Who is more likely to be texting their friends all day?
  • Who is the bigger gossip?
  • Whos chattier?
  • Who talks more in their sleep?
  • Whos more outgoing?
  • Who has the most friends?
  • Who has more pairs of shoes?
  • Who likes to dress nicer?
  • Who puts away their clothes first?
  • Who has the bigger wardrobe?
  • Who has a better fashion sense?
  • Who owns more shoes?
  • Who has the better fashion sense?
  • Who has the best style?
  • Who is the better dresser?
  • Who has better style?
  • Who has more dressy clothes?
  • Who has a better style sense?
  • Who doesnt believe in organizing the wardrobe?
  • Who goes longer without washing their clothes?
  • Who has a better sense of style?
  • Who has a bigger wardrobe?
bathroom hog
  • Who spends longer in the shower?
  • Who takes the longest to get ready?
  • Who spends more time getting ready?
  • Who takes longer in the shower?
  • Who spends the longest in the bathroom?
  • Who spends more time in front of the mirror?
  • Who takes the longest showers?
  • Who checks themselves out in the mirror the most?
  • Who spends the most time getting ready for a night out?
  • who spends the most time in front of a mirror?
  • Who spends a longer amount of time getting ready for a night out?
  • Who takes longer showers?
movies and tv
  • Who has the best taste in TV?
  • Who is most likely to bingewatch a show?
  • Whos more likely to fall asleep in front of the TV?
  • Who's more likely to fall asleep in front of the TV?
  • Who likes chick flicks more?
  • Who is more likely to cry during a sad movie?
  • Who has the best taste in films?
  • Who spends more time binging TV shows?
  • Who is more likely to fall asleep during a movie?
  • Whos more likely to cry during a sad movie?
  • Who's the most likely to cry at a movie?
  • Who is more likely to cry during a movie?
  • Whos more likely to fall asleep on the others shoulder when watching TV?
  • Who is more likely to be casted on a reality show?
  • Who spends more time bingewatching TVNetflix?
  • Who spends more time binging on TV shows?
  • Who was the one who first wanted to make the relationship official?
  • Who wears the pants in this relationship?
  • Who's the boss and the relationship?
  • Who wears the pants in the relationship?
  • Who chooses where you go for dinner?
  • Who is always right?
  • who wears the pants in the family?
  • Who told their family about the relationship first?
  • Who looks better in a pair of yoga pants?
  • Who complains about their boss the most?
  • Who is the leader in the relationship?
  • Who really wears the pants in this relationship?
  • Who is better at cooking?
  • Who is a better cook?
  • Who is the better cook?
  • Who's the best chef?
  • Who makes the better breakfast?
  • Who's the better cook?
  • who is a better cook?
  • Who cooks better Maggi?
  • Who is more likely to burn dinner?
  • Who makes a better cup of coffee?
  • Whos the best chef?
  • Who thinks they can cook better than Gordon Ramsey?
  • Who is more likely to burn water?
  • Who is the better baker?
  • Who is the most likely to ask for directions?
  • Who is more likely to get lost?
  • Who is more likely to get lost on a trip?
  • Who is better at giving directions?
  • Who is more likely to ask for directions?
  • Who is more likely to get lost without GPS?
  • Who is better at remembering directions?
  • When lost who is more likely to ask for directions?
  • Who is poor with directions?
  • Whos better when it comes to directions?
animal lover
  • Who does the dog love more?
  • Who's the dog person?
  • Who looks after the pets more?
  • Who does your pet's name love/like more?
  • Who's more of a dog person?
  • Who is more likely to bring home a stray animal?
  • Who walks the dogtakes care of the pets?
  • Who is more a of dog/cat person?
  • Who is most likely to bring home a stray animal?
  • Who will walk the dogs?
  • Who loves animals more?
  • Who will pick up after the pets?
  • Who loves insert pets names here more?
  • Who is more forgetful?
  • Who's more likely to forget anniversaries?
  • Who's more likely to forget birthdays and anniversaries?
  • Who is more likely to forget to put gas in the car?
  • Who is more likely to lose their keys or wallet?
  • Who is more likely to forget important dates?
  • Who would be the first to lose their keys?
  • Who will be more likely to forget their anniversary?
  • Who is more likely to forget where they parked the car?
  • Whos more likely to lose their keyswallet?
  • Who is more likely to lose their keys/wallet/cell phone?
  • Who is messier?
  • Who's the messiest?
  • Who's more likely to leave dishes in the sink?
  • Who is more likely to leave their belongings around the house?
  • Who is more likely to leave their dishes on the table after eating?
  • Who's more likely to make the bedroom floor their personal laundry basket?
  • Who is more likely to leave dishes in the sink overnight?
  • who is the messiest?
  • Who is most likely to leave their laundry on the floor?
  • Who is more likely to leave their dishes in the sink instead of putting them in the dishwasher?
  • Who's messier?
  • Whos messier?
  • Who cries during movies?
  • Who is more dramatic?
  • Who is more quick to anger?
  • Who's more dramatic?
  • Whos more dramatic?
  • Who throws maximum tantrums?
  • Who's more likely to cry laughing during a comedy?
  • Who cries more during movies?
  • Who is more emotional?
  • Whos more likely to cry laughing during a comedy?
  • Who is more likely to throw a temper tantrum?
  • Who is moodier?
  • Who likes to exercise the most?
  • Who is in the best shape?
  • Who would win in 100 meter race?
  • Who exercises more?
  • Who is more athletic?
  • Who is in better shape?
  • Who exercises the most?
  • Whos more athletic?
  • Who spends more time at the gymworking out?
  • Who is the better athlete?
  • Who is in the better shape?
  • Who is smarter?
  • Who is wiser?
  • Who got better grades?
  • Who is the nerdiest one?
  • Who studied the hardest in school?
  • Who got better grades in school?
  • Who was more studious in schoolcollege?
  • Who was the most popular in high school?
  • Who was the bigger nerd in high school?
  • Who had better grades in school?
  • Who has the best hair?
  • Who has better hair?
  • Who dresses the sexiest?
  • Who has the better hair?
  • Who looks the best today?
  • Who looks better today?
  • Who is better looking?
  • Who has a cuter smile?
  • Who laughs the best?
  • Who has the best jokes?
  • Whose idea was it to play this silly game called The Shoe Game?
  • Who is funnier?
  • Who has the better sense of humour?
  • Who makes the best jokes?
  • Who is better at creating funny nicknames for each other?
  • Who has the better sense of humor?
  • Who tells the better Dad jokes?
  • Whos funnier?
bed hog
  • Who hogs the bed more?
  • Who hogs the blanket?
  • Who takes up most of the space in bed?
  • Who takes up more than half of the bed?
  • Who hogs the blankets?
  • Whos more likely to kick the other one off the bed?
  • Who takes up more than their half of the bed?
  • who steals the covers more?
  • Whos more likely to steal all the covers on a cold night?
  • Who is the best singer?
  • Who's the better singer?
  • Who sings better?
  • Who has the better shower singing voice?
  • Who is the better singer?
  • Who's the better shower singer?
  • Whos the better shower singer?
  • Who is a better bathroom singer?
  • Who sings better in the shower?
  • Who is the better secret keeper?
  • Who is better at keeping secrets?
  • Who is better at keeping surprises?
  • Who is the better at planning thoughtful surprises?
  • Who struggles with keeping a secret?
  • Whos better at keeping secrets?
  • Who is better at planning and executing surprises?
  • Who is the clumsy one?
  • Who is more likely to get injured?
  • Who's more likely to trip over something?
  • Who's clumsier?
  • Who is more likely to burn down the house by accident?
  • Who is more clumsy?
  • Who is more likely to get injured doing something silly?
  • Whos more clumsy and likely to hurt themselves?
  • Whos clumsier?
  • Who likes to give random gifts for no reason?
  • Who gives the best gifts?
  • Who is the best giftgiver?
  • Who gives the best presents?
  • Who is the best gift giver?
  • Who buys the best gifts?
  • Who gives better gifts?
  • Who is likely to give random gifts for no reason?
  • Whos the best giftgiver?